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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Earning Money As An Affiliate Marketer

By : Ann Moss

How Much Do You Want To Earn This Year ... $10,000, $50,000, $100,000, More?

Did you know that only the top 1% of Affiliate Marketers make over $100,000 per year? If you are reading this, you are probably like many people researching having your own business on the internet and finding that 97-98% of all people fail in the first three years. What will it take to keep you from becoming part of these statistics?

Let's set the record straight. It isn't going to happen until you take action. Simply spending your hard earned money on the next eBook or the next fad program isn't going to cut it. You need more!

The only place that I have found that success comes before work is in the dictionary. Never mind the promises of instant riches. There's a lot of tempting stuff to spend your money on while you are looking for the real thing. The reality is that a Home-Based Internet Business is work, just like any other business. It takes time & work & patience. However, the rewards of being your own boss are worth it.

Starting a home based internet business is the dream of many; the problem is 95% to 98% fail. Right now, someone starts a new home business every 11 seconds, many even while continuing to work at a 9-5 job. Why? Do they hate their boss, hate their J.O.B., hate their commute, are deeply in financial debt, or simply have a dream for something better. Whatever the reason, the first problem is most marketers think that just because they have a website they will make money. After all, this is what they are told. Yet, the average affiliate has no sales, marketing or internet marketing experience, but they're trying to make money on the internet. Does this make sense to you?

So who can you trust? If you say the internet gurus that you look up to because they are making a lot of money, then you're dead wrong. Most internet marketing gurus who promote something don't always do it based on the quality of the material, but rather they promote it based on how fast they can line their pocket books with cash. You may actually think they care about your success...think again! While not all gurus are like this it is difficult to find the ones who will take a personal interest in your success.

Did you know that 95% of that top1% of Affiliate Marketers credits their coach/mentor for their success? If the top 1% use coaches and mentors, why can't you also use them and become successful? Here lies the rub. To find these coaches and mentors, you have to have an "in" to get the really popular ones. And, did you know that the average cost for these coaches and mentors are over $10,000 - and that's just for 3-4 months of coaching/mentoring. Do you have this kind of money if you are just starting out?

There are other options and many coaching memberships out there. But if you are doing your research, you have found that less than 1% of these coaching clubs actually provide the "personal touch" that is required to succeed. You need to find the best coaching and mentoring program that you can find. Make sure that they have your interest at heart, not just their pocketbook.

Some of the best coaching and mentoring programs out there will not break your wallet. It you are expecting something for free - think again - it's not going to help you that much. You need people with experience and a proven track record of success. You want mentors that are dedicated to their trade and practice it well. A note here - the best mentoring programs have more than one mentor.

Commit to a specific amount of time that you will spend building your new career. It's not going to happen overnight, so make sure you keep it realistic. But, now's the time. Are you going to become the next internet millionaire?

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