You may get to a point in your life when you want to work part-time rather than full-time. This may be due to many reasons, such as the desire to balance housework with a job outside the home. Or you may still have young children at home that need your attention before and after school. Perhaps you want to keep a couple of weekdays open for errands or luncheons with friends. Or your household income and tax bracket may be adversely affected if you take a full-time job.
Whatever the reason, when looking for part-time employment, you can check with companies that will make suitable employers or for whom your skills make a qualified fit. Here are some job search ideas:
1. Inquire with a former employer. If you had a good job before and wouldn't mind working there part-time again, get in touch with an acquaintance or past supervisor to ask about possible openings. If you have developed new skills since that time from computer use, for example, then be sure and mention that in your conversation. If a part-time opening exists for which you are qualified, ask to submit a resume or application.
2. Contact companies that might provide the kind of work you are interested in doing. For example, if you used to be a copywriter, get in touch with local advertising agencies to find out whether you can work a few hours or a couple of days each week. To get your foot in the door, you even may want to work just a few days a month, and after proving yourself, earn longer or more frequent assignments.
3. Look for organizations that might benefit from your skills. Many companies, institutions, or foundations cannot afford to hire all the employees they need to get the entire amount of work done when they want it. Instead, some hire part-time staff to fill in as needed or to work a few days each week as long as they don't put in more than forty hours so the company doesn't have to pay benefits or overtime. Whatever new or past job skills you can offer, telephone companies in the yellow pages or the newspaper classifieds to ask if they can use your talents on a part-time basis.
4. Check with job search organizations. Temporary job services, online job boards, and national organizations in your field of job experience can provide access to job lists that keep you informed about part-time job openings in your area of expertise. Some may require free registration, so be sure to update your vita and line up a couple of qualified references, such as supervisors at agencies where you've volunteered or teachers at your child's school where you've helped out as a room mother.
5. Take new skill classes to become better qualified. If you lack computer training, enroll in a course that will provide training, since many companies are looking for part-time and full-time employees who know how to use computers and software. Then, if you have a specific job goal in mind such as teacher's aide, find out what you need to do to get certified or hired to assist in the classroom. A few weeks of invested effort can prepare you to get a part-time job that will match your skills and interests.
Getting a part-time job is probably easier than finding full-time employment. Prepare a solid resume or vita first and line up references and training you may need to make a good impression on the company executives for whom you wish to work.
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