By : John Mce
There are a number of things to consider before attending the interview.
Know the job you are applying for. You might have just fired off a CV to see what happens, but when you hear that the employers are giving up their time to speak with you personally, you owe it to them and yourself to properly research the job and realise whether it is something you are potentially prepared to commit to.
Learn about the company you are trying to be a part of, and as much as you can about the specified role they are recruiting for.
For a lot of jobs, reading relevant newspapers or industry titles beforehand can also be a great help. Knowing the market of a product or service, or about changes in the industry will make you appear knowledgeable and up-to-date with the subject, and also and informed and intelligent individual.
Be on time. Being late makes you appear poorly organised, or not interested enough in the job to sacrifice an extra hour in bed. This makes a much bigger impression than your carefully composed CV or firm handshake. If you can't turn up on time for one interview, what is the likelihood of you being able to do it for 5 days a week over the next year or more?
First impressions count, and your appearance is a big part of that. Clean and tidy is the key, above fashion and style. Employers want to see that you can make an effort where necessary, even if the job doesn't require smart dress.
Body language can make a big difference. Try to approach the interview in a confident but friendly manner, by smiling, standing or sitting up straight, looking your interviewers in the eye and not being shy to shake hands or make small talk.
The Interview
Often there are specific academic or vocational requirements in terms of experience and qualifications, but remember, if you are being asked to an interview this means your application is being taken as seriously as anyone else's.
When asked about your past experience/employment/qualifications, refer to your CV and talk positively of your experiences listing personal and professional gains, working relationships and knowledge obtained. If you are unable to concisely explain what you have been doing with your time interviewers will not be able to take you seriously. Imagine an employee who cannot explain what he has been doing for the last month at work.
You should also ask as many questions in the interview as possible. The interview is as much for you find out more about the job as it is for the employers to find out more about you.
Ask questions which were not freely available when you researched the role, such as company history, specific information regarding the role they have advertised, or pay and working conditions. Asking these questions gives you a better idea of what you have applied for, and makes you appear confident and pragmatic about your application.
End positively. Confirming your interest after having a look at the workplace, learning more about the role, and meeting your potential employers is very important. After the interview you should be keener than ever and this should be expressed to the interviewers.
As long as your interview went well, you should be pleased. You might not have the right degree, or enough relevant experience, but it is often these more basic, personal skills which many applicants let themselves down on.
There may have been better qualified or more experienced applicants, which there is very little you can do about. What you can control is your research, organisation and personal skills in interviews. Use this experience to gain confidence for your next interview.
Know the job you are applying for. You might have just fired off a CV to see what happens, but when you hear that the employers are giving up their time to speak with you personally, you owe it to them and yourself to properly research the job and realise whether it is something you are potentially prepared to commit to.
Learn about the company you are trying to be a part of, and as much as you can about the specified role they are recruiting for.
For a lot of jobs, reading relevant newspapers or industry titles beforehand can also be a great help. Knowing the market of a product or service, or about changes in the industry will make you appear knowledgeable and up-to-date with the subject, and also and informed and intelligent individual.
Be on time. Being late makes you appear poorly organised, or not interested enough in the job to sacrifice an extra hour in bed. This makes a much bigger impression than your carefully composed CV or firm handshake. If you can't turn up on time for one interview, what is the likelihood of you being able to do it for 5 days a week over the next year or more?
First impressions count, and your appearance is a big part of that. Clean and tidy is the key, above fashion and style. Employers want to see that you can make an effort where necessary, even if the job doesn't require smart dress.
Body language can make a big difference. Try to approach the interview in a confident but friendly manner, by smiling, standing or sitting up straight, looking your interviewers in the eye and not being shy to shake hands or make small talk.
The Interview
Often there are specific academic or vocational requirements in terms of experience and qualifications, but remember, if you are being asked to an interview this means your application is being taken as seriously as anyone else's.
When asked about your past experience/employment/qualifications, refer to your CV and talk positively of your experiences listing personal and professional gains, working relationships and knowledge obtained. If you are unable to concisely explain what you have been doing with your time interviewers will not be able to take you seriously. Imagine an employee who cannot explain what he has been doing for the last month at work.
You should also ask as many questions in the interview as possible. The interview is as much for you find out more about the job as it is for the employers to find out more about you.
Ask questions which were not freely available when you researched the role, such as company history, specific information regarding the role they have advertised, or pay and working conditions. Asking these questions gives you a better idea of what you have applied for, and makes you appear confident and pragmatic about your application.
End positively. Confirming your interest after having a look at the workplace, learning more about the role, and meeting your potential employers is very important. After the interview you should be keener than ever and this should be expressed to the interviewers.
As long as your interview went well, you should be pleased. You might not have the right degree, or enough relevant experience, but it is often these more basic, personal skills which many applicants let themselves down on.
There may have been better qualified or more experienced applicants, which there is very little you can do about. What you can control is your research, organisation and personal skills in interviews. Use this experience to gain confidence for your next interview.
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