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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do not Hold Your Work!

By : DSY

If you're thinking about killing time, it happened just the opposite, waktulah that will kill you. That's about to be felt by the people who like to delay their work. The procrastinator builders tend to delay or stalling progress of their assignments until the deadline when it arrives.

When the deadline is in sight then when the time feels cramped, the work was so heavy and the pressure you face was now significantly greater. A situation that could have been avoided if only you use your time more intelligently and effectively.

However, the problem was bigger procrastinator than time management mistakes. There are several other causes that must be taken to ensure that 'disease' can be instantly healed. For an employee, procrastinator these habits hurt the company. Your performance could be tarnished because of the works submitted in a hurry, with results that do not necessarily maximal.

So you can be apart from this habit, it's good to follow some tips below:
1. Recognize the causes, become aware of the consequences.
Like bad habits in general, procrastinator were born out of false beliefs about something. And often become more severe because the perpetrator did not realize it. Many reasons can be put forward related to the cause you pause the job. In general, the cause of the delay work can be divided into seven, among them: laziness, perfectionism, fear of failure, stress, poor time management, lack of motivation, and work too much.

2. Wake up and start from now.
Hardest things for the procrastinator is to begin. The delay is usually too much thinking and berkalkulasi or fails to do both. Plan a really good job working for the achievement of an orderly system, but you must remember that the perfect plan will only be wishful thinking if you do not immediately realize the first step. Start your work at your peak performance time, for example, when body and mind is still fresh in the morning.

3. Make a scale of priorities, do the Difficult first.
Organize your tasks from most important to less important. Do you think the task is most difficult in advance to get a little quiet when in the middle of the road you have to do another task quite time consuming. At least you've done half of your obligations than none at all. Obey schedules and deadlines that you have created yourself. Allocate specific time for a break so your body does not protest, and feel overwhelmed when doing a lot of tasks.

4. Nobody?? S perfect, do not underestimate the ability of self.
One of the classic reasons people put off for fear that his work is appreciated not work well or even fail altogether. Dispose of negative thoughts that you are not capable to do a particular job. If you feel less capable, practice or ask for help from coworkers. And remember not all of them must always be perfect. If you are a perfectionist, allocate special time to correct the work after the deadline. At least you can start with the imperfect task can then be revised, compared to hand over the task perfect but too late.

5. Reward yourself.
Sometimes the delay is because the job disapproval of the work performed. However, it can not be tolerated because the work is your responsibility that remains to be done. To motivate you, give yourself rewards after a job is completed. Learn to love your job, grow motivation from within themselves by looking at the positive side of the work you do.

Impacts on the procrastinator's deadly silent. In addition to performance and productivity levels, they also tend to experience stress. If you've noticed, immediately disconnect the chain of bad habits by applying a few tips on top or change the habit of delaying a job with good habits that are more favorable to you or the company.

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