Experience shows that these twenty-one tips are important in your job search. Now that you've recovered from the shock of losing a job through no fault of your own, you need to get a jump on the millions of others who are in the "job market."
These strategies will help you find a new job and relieve a lot of the "workplace stress" that was transferred to your private life when you got the pink slip.
1. Do something that you've had in mind over the years but didn't have the freedom to try. Give this a higher priority since you're "out of work." You might not have another chance like this. The radical change of pace will refresh you and prepare you for the grueling job search. Face it. Everyone finds a job sooner or later, and it's worth a lot to use some of this down time to achieve one of your dreams. Find a way to get the education; raise the money, and delegate responsibilities. Give it a try.
2. Take classes for new skills. Learn a language. Sign up even if you think you'll be too busy with your job search or in a new job. The new language skills might be just your ticket for the new job you're seeking. You can quit the class if those other plans come together.
3. Don't be too picky in accepting a job. Take what comes along, because it's easier to find a new job while employed than it is to find a job when you're out of work. While in our "temporary job," schedule time to keep the job search alive. When a "real job" comes along, the person who interviews you will understand that you've taken the interim employment to stay active in the marketplace and broaden your perspective.
4. Ask self-employed friends to let you use office space so you have a place "to go to work" on your job search. Getting dressed in business attire and spending eight hours a day will zoom your chances, and professional telephone answering will showcase your professionalism.
5. Get a business card that will serve you in networking and job search. You don't have to register a business to start using a logo on your card. Just name a business; get a card, and you're professional. Use your friend's office number and address on your cards. Pay for the cards. The free cards or those you print at home are terrible.
6. Update your resume. Find out the currently preferred style and content for the industries you're targeting. Purchase a good reference book at the bookstore. Get someone knowledgeable to review your draft, and be open to accepting advice. Put that Microsoft Word program to work and have different resumes for different industries -- perhaps a new resume for every job opportunity.
7. Target companies and industries that are laying off people. An organization's downsizing doesn't mean they won't hire people to fill certain jobs or to fill old jobs at lower wages. Some companies have a hiring freeze, but others will continue as usual. Stable companies have to be ready for the turn-around.
8. Consider moving to a new location. This is a tough decision with the big downturn in housing markets, but a good job in a new city is feasible if you're willing to do what it takes with rent, family separation, family moves, spouse job changes, etc. If an interviewer asks you if there are any restrictions on relocating, you'd better be prepared to say that you and your family are ready for the opportunity that is a fit for you and the employer. The immediate job might be local, but big companies need people who can go where the job requires. Remember that part about taking the first good job that comes along. Consider it an adventure and a resume building strategy if you really don't like the idea of a move.
9. Learn to interview. Your resume might get you an interview, but the interview is what lands the job. There are several standard questions asked in interviews. Prepare answers ahead of time and relieve the stress associated with such meetings. If you're not actively pursuing a company, fill your day becoming an interview expert. You'll be amazed at how strategic you can get with your responses. You'll be able to redirect and answer with ease such questions as: "Tell me one of your weaknesses." "Tell me one big mistake you've made in your previous job." And, you'd better figure out how to answer with a "weakness" or a "mistake" that puts you in a good light for the new employer.
10. Join a mastermind group of job seekers, or start your own. Find a half dozen other unemployed people; add a friendly HR person; ask a resume/interview expert to join you even if you have to pay someone, and meet weekly by bridge line. Tell each other about your goals, successes, and setbacks. Discuss how you're handling family and financial problems. Challenge each other to achieve goals each week.
11. Hang out with some corporate executives. Maybe a Wednesday morning 6:30 a.m. coffee meeting - just to B.S. and talk about corporate arena stuff like those guys do. If you don't know any executives, just go to Starbucks. or Panera's and see who is meeting there that time of day. See if you fit in with someone already doing this. If you don't find anyone, set your lap top on a table and put up a table tent card with an intriguing question business ...
o "Want to Hang Onto Quality Employees?"
o "Want to Eliminate Personnel Turnover?"
o "Want to Add a Million to Your Bottom Line?"
o "What's Your Plan for Landing that Big Account?"
o "Having Trouble with Absenteeism?"
Well, you get the idea. People will stop to see what's going on. Tell them to have a seat. The brainstorming is about to begin. One guy did this kind of thing at Starbucks and within a couple weeks he eleven regulars meeting with him for business coaching.
12. Consider becoming a business coach. Learning to coach is relatively easy for someone with your experience. You have years of experience to go with the coaching skills. This is worth a lot to people who want to make money or get promoted. Go on line and check out the coaching associations.
13. Attend the monthly meetings of organizations where you're likely to meet corporate executives. Meeting with The Society of Association Executives will give you a chance to meet association staff who know the key players in your industries
14. Donate services to a non-profit. Small nonprofits cannot afford to hire your level of experience. You'll feel like a genius with "everyday" ideas; the charity will profit along with the people they serve, and you'll add to your own experience and resume material.
15. Scour business journals, newspapers, and on line for companies that have a change in upper management. Anytime there is a change, there's a job opening: deaths, promotions, departures, etc. If the president, vice-president, or manger is significant enough for changes to be announced in the media, someone in house will take that job, and that leaves an opening wherever that person came from. Don't be picky about the kind of job change identified, you cannot predict what opens up when the company shifts people around after the announced change occurs.
16. Social networks like Linked In can connect you with people in industries of interest. If your new connections don't have specific job openings themselves, ask them to tell whether there have been any changes, then send a resume to the top name you can identify--not HR.
17. Check with the National Association of Personnel Services. Ask for a referral to the management recruiters for your industries. They're always looking for people with talent to fill current or future job opportunities.
18. Write articles for on line and in print association journals. You know a lot more than you think, so writing will be easy for you. Observe the type articles that journals like, then ask the editors for editorial calendar so you can submit articles that fill their planned needs. It's even easier to get articles published on line. Simply submit them to sites that are used by e-zines and e-newsletters as they search for articles. Before you know it your articles are everywhere, and every article has your byline at the end.
19. Write a book. It's far easier than most people think. How many published authors are among those thousands of job seekers with whom you compete? Not many. If you refer to "your book" or send a copy with the resume, you will be noticed. Guaranteed!
20. Publish a tips booklet. Within a couple of weeks you can publish a tips booklet with the "Top 21 Ways to ..." You can help thousands of others with material from your years of experience. Publishing tips booklets is inexpensive and impressive when sent as an introductory item or as part of your resume packet.
21. Use this unexpected time in your life to rejuvenate physically and spiritually. Hectic schedules and overwhelming responsibilities have kept you away for years, and you can get back on schedule during this down time. You'll feel better about yourself during the job search, and you'll be more stable in your new job.
Schedule time for each technique that fits your style and implement it as soon as possible. You can get a lot done if you're job-seeking 50 hours a week, matching the number of hours you worked at your old job. Share your successes with others.
Dale Collie - author and speaker - Find more articles at http://couragebuilders.com
Copyright 2009 - Dale Collie - All rights reserved